EMMA Singapore Championship – Review for 2020

This is an official statement co-released by EMMA Singapore and Automoment (organiser of EMMA Singapore championships).

In view of the COVID-19’s global impact on travel and economy, as well as the postponement of EMMA Euro Finals, the planning committee for EMMA Singapore has decided to further review the planned dates for EMMA Singapore Championships 2020.

In this review, considerations such as the need for training in 2020, cost of event and expected participation numbers will be discussed and taken into consideration for the review of dates and number of rounds for EMMA Singapore Championship 2020. Apart from this review, it is certain that EMMA Singapore 2020 Championship will NOT start in May 2020.

EMMA Singapore sees itself as an event “Supported by the Industry, For the Industry” and we will like reassure all sponsors, dealers and participants that EMMA Singapore will continue to aid the industry as we have always done.

The review is scheduled to be completed in early April and updates will follow. Stay tuned for more information.